Fervent Prayer: Church Planting
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles." Acts 2:42-43 ESV
From the birth of the Church in Acts, we see what the new gathered Body of Christ focused on: God’s Word (apostles’ teaching), community (fellowship and breaking of bread), and prayer (communing with God). Thus, from the very beginning of Mercy Hill, these verses have been close to our hearts and has helped define and shape our mission of being the Church. Keeping our focus on the simplicity of the Gospel, as taught in Scripture, and proclaiming that Good News both from the pulpit and through personal relationship, is a big part of what I think makes Mercy Hill Church the amazing community that it is. And it seems that God is stirring the hearts of others all over southeastern Wisconsin who desire to see churches planted that are committed to the beauty and simplicity of the Gospel. God has been building His Church with people ready to be His Church, and because of this, we are excited for what God is doing through the church planting efforts here at Mercy Hill.
Today, let’s focus our prayers on the area of church planting:
- Pray that God would continue to build His Church here and abroad
- Pray for our current church planting efforts/connections:
- Mercy Hill Rock County, Janesville (Josh and Angie Dostal)
- Imago Dei, West Milwaukee (Pete and Kristy Ziolkowski)
- Nuovo Vita, Salerno (Justin and Abbey Valiquette)
- Pray that God would provide to expand His Church:
- Leadership, resources and finances
- Pray that we would continue to train and equip leaders for church planting
- Pray that God would continue to make His mission clear to our churches
- Pray that God would clearly direct our Elders in future church planting efforts