The Word of God is amazing.  It is full of rich instruction and amazing stories that reveal the nature of God and put Christ’s restorative work on display.  That is why we, at MH, love and proclaim the Word of God boldly and passionately so that we may know Him and worship Him more deeply.  In a similar way Stories of Mercy, the testimonies of God’s work in God’s people at MH, put His amazing work on display. This series is an opportunity for us as a body to rejoice over the great things He has done (Psalm 126:3). 

Jared Jones

Jared was tired of his constant pain and asked his community group to really pray for him one night.

kimberly van vors

Kim suffered from trauma for her whole life after enduring childhood abuse. But God removed all of those hurts one night at a Spirit Led event at our church.

Jessi Fikkert

Jessi grew up with harmful attitude and habits towards herself. Bu when she checked into a faith based treatment facility her whole life changed.

Tim Fikkert

Tim found help from family and friends to overcome his addiction to alcohol.


Derrin dealt with a painful neck injury for more than 10 years. After trying every other method to get relief she found healing through prayer to her heavenly Father.

Caroline Phoenix

After experiencing difficulties of life, Caroline and her son have found a new family at Mercy Hill Church to be a blessing.

Vicky Kolego

"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." Psalm 56:8

Karen Vaught

While dealing with addiction Karen found freedom from alcohol thanks in part to Celebrate Recovery.

Daniel Davidson

Daniel Davidson shares his story of how God helped him through times of depression and anxiety.

Chris lUCKEY

"He prayed for me, and that was probably the day that changed something inside of me."

Angie Dostal

"He reached me when I was in the darkest, ugliest most vile place of sin because His love is more powerful than all the darkness in this world!" 

Ray & Carol Gumm

Carol & Ray Gumm, our resident missionaries to Rwanda, may have had a rocky start to their marriage, but God has blessed their faithfulness!


Mary found joy in the midst of suffering through her terminal cancer.  

Dan Burant

Dan shares how serving at City on a Hill changed him.

Sean GIlles

After suffering with cancer Sean found the blessing of being in a community of believers. 

Share your Story

We'd love to hear what God has been doing in your life.  After you submit your story, one of the members on our story team will contact you about sharing your story with MH.  

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