Fervent Prayer Week: Church Leadership
This passage, along with many others, shows the great tension found in church leadership. Elders in the church are to be people of character, maturity, compassion and courage having a responsibility before God for the spiritual condition of the church. But ultimately church leaders are like any other member of the church. They are people striving to serve as the body of Christ for the body of Christ. Far from being supermen they are simply stewards who have a responsibility to care for the church. A true leader is to be a disciple of Christ and is to follow his example to serve and sacrifice for others.
Hebrew 13:17-18
17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.18 Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things
This passage, along with many others, shows the great tension found in church leadership. Elders in the church are to be people of character, maturity, compassion and courage having a responsibility before God for the spiritual condition of the church. But ultimately church leaders are like any other member of the church. They are people striving to serve as the body of Christ for the body of Christ. Far from being supermen they are simply stewards who have a responsibility to care for the church. A true leader is to be a disciple of Christ and is to follow his example to serve and sacrifice for others.
As such it is vitally important that we, as a church, consistently spend time in prayer for our elders and church leaders. Regardless of the area of ministry each leader is integral to the function and heart of the church. We ought to pray that God would protect the hearts and minds of our leaders; keeping them from the sin, pride, self-reliance and religiosity that can so easily distract. We ought to pray that God continues to raise leaders from within the body of Christ: men and women devoted to the Word and to the church. In all these things we should pray that our leaders fulfill their responsibilities with joy and grace as a reflection of God’s love and mercy on us. Finally, we must all consider where God would have us serve His mission. No one is exempted from the call to serve, and true leadership is service.
Celebrating Five Years!
This past week, we celebrated five years since having launched Mercy Hill Church in Milwaukee. Five years! At Mercy Hill, there's something we say often, "We're not here to build a church, we're here to BE THE CHURCH."
Pastor Tommy preachead on the concept of "being the church" and what that means for us at Mercy Hill.
Jesus Is My Homeboy
I don't remember how long ago I first saw this t-shirt, but I do remember that when I saw it, it hit me... how engrained Jesus is in our culture. And I started thinking about it some more, just because Jesus is engrained in a culture, doesn't mean that's it's a good thing.
As I prepared to write this blog, I quickly searched for a "Jesus is my homeboy" graphic and found an actual "official site" explaining the back story which I didn't know! You can read more here (not sure how true it all is), but it apparently started out by a man who was simply trying to spread Jesus' gospel to gangs in Los Angeles. Years later, a celebrity is photographed wearing the t-shirt and the rest is history.
This is a good example of how something with good intentions can easily lose its meaning when it becomes a fashion statement or "culturally acceptable" within a subculture without really discussing the true meaning or bringing attention to the gospel of Jesus. That somehow, by wearing a t-shirt or bracelet, we're living out the gospel.
And this is what fascinates me about cultures and subcultures we create, both Christians and non. How one person can wear this t-shirt and know, carry, struggle and deal with the gospel of Jesus and in another subculture, it's the "cool" thing to wear. I love a few things Leslie Newbigin calls out about culture overall, particularly the following:
"And one must also include in culture, and as fundamental to any culture, a set of beliefs, experiences, and practices that seek to grasp and express the ultimate nature of things, that which gives shape and meaning to life, that which claims final loyalty. I am speaking, obviously, about religion. Religion—including the Christian religion--is thus part of culture."
At Mercy Hill, when we say we're reaching out with a "culturally relevant message" of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it's not because we're attempting to be hip or cute. It's because the church is a place where the gospel and our culture collide. In Genesis we see that God created us to create and cultivate culture, however our sin has distorted this creation process and we're brought to passages like Romans that clearly reflect this.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - ROMANS 4:8
In the coming months, I'm excited to share more about culture overall, specifically the collision with the gospel in the church and outside of the church. We'll explore more on passages like the above in Romans, including passages like the following in 1st Corinthians:
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12
We'll explore how this applies to different parts of our culture, from Christian music to Hollywood movies. All through the lens of our one and only pure filter, Jesus, our homeboy.
Chosen for His own... but why?
As the primary worship leader at Mercy Hill, many of you have heard me share the idea that our worship is more than a song on a Sunday morning. In all honestly, I realize I probably sound like a broken record. But the brief moment I take to share my heart between two worship songs is hardly enough time to give this idea the weight it deserves.
See, as a follower of Christ- as someone who has been chosen by HIM to follow HIM- my life now takes on new LIFE. My life is now filled with a new aim, a new goal, a new purpose. I no longer live life toward my sinful desires or even, simply, my own ambitions. Rather, I live my life to accomplish my purpose in God.
And what is my purpose in God? WORSHIP. TO PROCLAIM HIM.
The last few weeks, we in the youth ministry here at Mercy Hill, affectionately known as UPRISE, have been studying through the book of 1 Peter. This week we came to 1 Peter 2, and although I've read it many times, this week the simplicity of my 'calling' or 'purpose' in God was renewed.
"9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
As Peter writes these words to the persecuted and scattered Church, he’s encouraging them to take heart in who they are: God’s chosen. And they’ve been chosen to proclaim who God is and what He has done: to worship. Worship not just with words or a song on a Sunday, but in Spirit and Truth- with heart and deeds.
So, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in today, take heart. If you have been awakened to the beauty and truth of the Gospel, trust that it was God’s doing and choosing. And He chose you to proclaim His excellencies: to live in WORSHIP.
There are a lot today in our culture who talk about wellness. There are wellness coaches, wellness programs, and a myriad of opinions on how we can be well. I think most people recognize the great need for healing. We are people who are inherently NOT well. We are broken and warped, twisted by our sinful natures. Of those of us who are members of the family of faith, however, there is a way that we can be well despite our sinful condition. The scripture above states that the Lord “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” This is the same language that is used in Isaiah 61:1-2 “The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance or our God, to comfort all who mourn…” This is also the scripture that Jesus read in the synagogue at the beginning of his public ministry and said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing,” (Luke 4:21). For those who have put their faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, the process of healing has begun. The first words that Jesus spoke to his disciples after his resurrection were “Peace be with you.” Jesus reassures the disciples that they have his “peace.” The Greek word used here transliterated is “eirene” is equivalent to the Hebrew word “shalom” used by the writers of the Old Testament. These words are translated into English as “peace,” yet these terms connote a much deeper, more profound significance than our usual definition of peace. The terms express a complete and entire emotional/physical/spiritual well-being among people that affects every aspect of life and every relationship. Paul in his letter to the church at Ephesus states, “For Christ himself brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us…He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death” Ephesians 2:14-16. True well-being and health are obtained through our relationship with Jesus Christ. This shalom is also not an individual experience but one that provides restoration to all relationships.
Let us pray for healing and restoration in our lives and relationships that God might be praised and glorified and that His peace may penetrate every aspect of our being.