Being the Church in Janesville - Six Months and Counting
I would ask Mercy Hill as a whole to continue to pray that God continues his work in the Rock County location. It has been a privilege to see Jesus grow His church in these ways and others. Please pray that God would continue to provide the finances that we need to expand our children’s ministry area and materials for outreach. Pray that God would continue to grow His church through a healthy mix of unbelievers, Christians, the hurting, the healthy, and leaders. And pray that he grants us wisdom in ministering to the city, and new ways to authentically engage our city, proclaiming the Gospel in relationship and actions.
On Sunday March 26th, the Mercy Hill Church Rock County campus will be celebrating our six month anniversary of our launch last September. Over these past months, it has been a blessing to see the birth of a church and watch as God causes it to grow. We’ve nearly doubled in size, and have seen the work of the Spirit in lives and hearts.
I wanted to take a few moments to share some of these things with you, so that you may join us in rejoicing and glorifying God for his grace and work in Janesville.
Because of our downtown location, we have been able to minister to a number of the homeless in the area. With the help of another local parachurch ministry, some have been able to receive training and secure jobs as they get back on their feet. Marriages have been strengthened, addictions have been battled, leaders are being developed, and a love of Christ is growing.
Currently we have four different community groups that meet at least monthly. Participation has been great, and we’ve seen God use these to begin to build a close community within the body. Because of this we are able to begin to encourage people to “be the church” in ministry towards one another.
As we have grown, we have been blessed to gain a wide spectrum of people and backgrounds. There are those seeking Christ, brand new Christians, children, young families, young single adults, and those that have been walking with the Lord for decades. This has given us an amazing mix of diversity to celebrate the many ways that God works in people's lives, as well as depth in relationships and encouragement to one another.
I would ask Mercy Hill as a whole to continue to pray that God continues his work in the Rock County location. It has been a privilege to see Jesus grow His church in these ways and others. Please pray that God would continue to provide the finances that we need to expand our children’s ministry area and materials for outreach. Pray that God would continue to grow His church through a healthy mix of unbelievers, Christians, the hurting, the healthy, and leaders. And pray that he grants us wisdom in ministering to the city, and new ways to authentically engage our city, proclaiming the Gospel in relationship and actions.
Thank you,
Pastor Joshua Dostal