Tommy Orlando Tommy Orlando

Fervent Prayer: Outreach

Dear Jesus, Grant us the courage to speak with your voice, grant us the compassion to heal with your hands and grant us the strength to love with your commitment. Help us, by your Holy Spirit leading, to do that which you are calling us to do in service to mankind and  anoint and bless those that take up that calling. In your power and strength we pray. Amen.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us."  2 Corinthians 5:17-20

Second Corinthians 5 provides Christians with a framework for their interaction with the world around us. A framework that quite often we don’t think about. Paul’s claim to the title ‘presbeutes’ or ambassador, when taken in context of his culture, established a rich responsibility for all of us who are called to be ministers in our world.

Roman provinces were divided into two types. One was under the direct control of the senate, the other under the direct control of the Emperor. The distinction was made on this basis; provinces which were peaceful and had no troops in them were senatorial provinces; provinces which were turbulent and had troops stationed in them were imperial provinces. In the imperial provinces, the man who administered the province on behalf of the Emperor, was the ‘legatus presbeutai’. By using this word he paints a picture of a man who has a direct commission from the Emperor. He does this because Paul regarded himself as commissioned by Jesus Christ for the work of the Church.  Just as an ambassador represents his country Paul represented his Lord. Just as an ambassador spoke for his country Paul spoke for Christ. 

It is this way we must all regard ourselves. We have been commissioned by Jesus Christ. This is the essence of Christ’s statement in His pastoral prayer found in John 17 when he says ‘As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world’ and it’s confirmed by His instruction to the church when he says, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.’

We have been called to be ambassadors for Christ and when we as individuals or as the church reach out to our world we must understand that this is what we are doing. We must reach out in the love of Christ, we must reach out in the truth of Jesus, we must reach out in His compassion, His grace and His holiness. We represent Him. In the decisions and the counsels of the world we must be the voice which brings the message of Christ to the human situation. It is this biblical reality that governs the outreach efforts as Mercy Hill.  

Dear Jesus, Grant us the courage to speak with your voice, grant us the compassion to heal with your hands and grant us the strength to love with your commitment. Help us, by your Holy Spirit leading, to do that which you are calling us to do in service to mankind and  anoint and bless those that take up that calling. In your power and strength we pray. Amen. 


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Joshua Dostal Joshua Dostal

Fervent Prayer: Outreach

"Throughout Holy Scripture, it is clear to us that we have been commissioned by Christ to go forth into the world as his ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20). As we do this, we are to proclaim the Gospel wherever we go, endeavoring to raise up disciples as we ourselves follow after Christ who is with us “to the end of the age” (Matt 28:19,20)."

“... The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest…” (Luke 10:1-2)

Throughout Holy Scripture, it is clear to us that we have been commissioned by Christ to go forth into the world as his ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20). As we do this, we are to proclaim the Gospel wherever we go, endeavoring to raise up disciples as we ourselves follow after Christ who is with us “to the end of the age” (Matt 28:19,20).

Today our prayer focus turns to our efforts as Mercy Hill as we reach out to the local communities of Bayview, Lake Country, and Rock County with the love of Jesus Christ and the message of the Gospel.

Please join us in prayer for local outreach and our 20/20 projects:

  1. That the Holy Spirit would grant wisdom and direction in projects of evangelism and relief care where the need is greatest.

  2. That the financial provision needed would be provided for by God and through his saints.

  3. That many within our church would hear the call of God to action on his behalf and respond as Isaiah did by declaring “Lord, here I am! Send me.”  (Isaiah 6:8)

And please join us in praying that above all, the work would be anointed and blessed by God, for His Glory and the salvation of the lost. Soli Deo Gloria!

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Mercy Hill Ernie Evangelista Mercy Hill Ernie Evangelista

FERVENT: Mercy Hill Ministries

If you've been around Mercy Hill for any length of time, you've heard us talk of being the Church and not building a church. This is not simply some cute catch phrase adorning our website, but rather something that helps direct us as we plan events and start new ministries.
Building or Being? If you've been around Mercy Hill for any length of time, you've heard us talk of being the Church and not building a church. This is not simply some cute catch phrase adorning our website, but rather something that helps direct us as we plan events and start new ministries. To me, BEING the church is about glorifying God in all we do, living in unity within the congregation, meeting each other's needs and building one another up in Christ, and living-out the Gospel in our homes, workplaces, and communities. And the ministries of the church is what helps facilitate the being the Church. That's it. But often times, the ministries of the church are thought of as ways to grow or build the church, and most often, this is thought of numerically. We ask questions like, "What can we do (what ministry can we add) to attract more people; to increase giving?" That's "building" the church mentality. The funny thing is Christ said that HE would build HIS church (Matthew 16:18). It's not our job- that's His job. Our job is the being. We simply do our best to create an atmosphere where we can truly be the radiant Bride of Christ that He is building. Through things like the Sunday morning service, the City on a Hill Outreach, Greeters, Hospitality, Children's Church, and Gallery Nights- we are engaging in opportunities to glorify God, build-up one another, and reach out to a lost and hurting world. BE THE CHURCH. Please join with us today as we focus our prayers on the ministries of Mercy Hill Church. Pray that God would provide all that is needed for us to effectively be His Church: His Holy Spirit, His wisdom, compassion, humility, our participation, and finances.
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