Prayer as Privilege
Ever try defining what prayer is to you? Prayer can be defined or described in so many ways! From talking to God, a petition to God, earnest request to God, to commune, supplicate, plead to a divine being, etc.
Ever try defining what prayer is to you? Prayer can be defined or described in so many ways! From talking to God, a petition to God, earnest request to God, to commune, supplicate, plead to a divine being, etc.
The fact is that we can come up with so many meanings and definitions for what prayer is and what it personally means to us, but can we actually agree with one particular word to describe prayer? I propose that one word best describes prayer, and that word is privilege!
I keep coming to this word when it comes to what I see prayer as! Why? Well, the fact is that anyone can define what prayer means to them, but when we actually label prayer as a privilege we personalize it, and it will have more of an impact to our prayer life (or at least it should).
Personally, it impacts my life because seeing prayer as a privilege moves my actions of prayer from “I got to pray” or “I have to pray” to “I get to pray” and “I want to pray”!
So knowing that prayer is actually a God given privilege and that we have a so called “open door” to God’s throne, and that the Creator of the universe delights in listening to our prayers, why is it so difficult to pray? In short, it’s all about relationship. Prayer will always be way simpler to communicate and share your heart with someone, especially when you have a great relationship with them.
Mercy Hill Church and the Mercy Hill Prayer Ministry would like to help you see prayer as a privilege. Here are a few of upcoming prayer events at Mercy Hill:
- Worship & Prayer Night
- At our Lake Country location on Wednesday, April 20 at 7PM
- The third Wednesday of every month
- A night of seeking God & lifting up needs
- Worship, Prayer & Fasting
- At our Bay View location on Friday, April 29 at 6PM
- Prayer team members present from 6PM to 12AM and a time of worship every hour
- We invite you to also join us for a 24 hour fast starting and ending at 6PM
- We will break the fast together with dinner at 6PM on Saturday, April 30 followed by Worship Experience at 6:30PM
- Weekly Prayer Meeting
- Every Wednesday at 6:30PM in Bay View
It is a time to come together to pray and intercede for the church
- Every Wednesday at 6:30PM in Bay View
Finally, if you would like to reflect on prayer during your devotional time this week, I suggest you reflect on one of the following verses: Jeremiah 33:3, Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 88:13, Psalm 99:5, James 5:16b, Matthew 26:41, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 11:27, 2 Chronicles 33:12