How you can help spread the gospel in Rwanda
We have exciting news! God has presented us with a unique opportunity to support our 2016 Rwanda team and the ministry they will be providing. An anonymous donor approached us and informed us that they will match every donation made to support Mercy Hill's 2016 Rwanda trip.
We have exciting news! God has presented us with a unique opportunity to support our 2016 Rwanda team and the ministry they will be providing. An anonymous donor approached us and informed us that they will match every donation made to support Mercy Hill's 2016 Rwanda trip.
In February, Mercy Hill Church will be going to Solace Ministries in Rwanda, Africa to encourage and edify the widow and orphan survivors of the 1994 genocide as well as the pastors who serve them.
In a place where resources and access to theological training are limited, these local Rwandan pastors have been inundated with materials saturated with prosperity gospel and other incorrect teachings. They hunger for the true Gospel and want to see God move in their communities.
In addition to the team supporting the work of Kwizera Ministries during the trip, Pastor Tommy Orlando will join the trip and be able to speak to the Rwandan pastors at a special conference and help deepen their understanding and ability to cling to the true Gospel.
We would ask that you prayerfully consider either joining this team or giving financially to help cover the cost of the trip and to provide for the Rwandan Pastor's Conference. This is a wonderful opportunity to come alongside local Rwandan pastors who live sacrificially to teach the Gospel in their communities - and for your financial support to be doubled by an anonymous donor.
We know that they will teach us just as much as we will teach them, and together we will see the Gospel advanced through the Holy Spirit!
Join the February Rwanda team
Is God calling you to experience missions? Our partnerships with Kwizera Ministries and Solace Ministries makes this trip a perfect opportunity for anyone who is feeling God calling them to experience ministry and missions overseas. Both ministries are very well organized and have a heart for building relationships and sharing the Gospel- just like our partners in Italy!
If you're interested in going on this trip the cost is $2,150 per person and a $1,350 deposit is due on January 13. To get more information please email Carol & Ray Gumm.
Your Support will be Matched!
If you aren't able to go, you have the opportunity to send others. Through January, your financial support of the Rwanda team will be matched by an anonymous donor. Click here to give securely and help the Gospel reach communities in Rwanda. (Please be sure to select "Mission Trip - Rwanda 2016" from the "Select Reference" dropdown menu.)
You can also give at church on Sunday by writing a check and including "2016 Rwanda Trip" in the memo line.