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10 Days to Tarry

  • Mercy Hill Church 2842 South 5th Court Milwaukee, WI, 53207 United States (map)

In the book of Acts we learn that the disciples were to tarry (wait in anticipation) for the Holy Spirit.  For 10 days they spent time in the upper room engaged in prayer, meditation and worship.  While they were waiting the Holy Spirit did come and He changed their lives, and the church, forever! 

In an attempt to commemorate the time spent by the disciples, we'd like to invite you to join us as we  tarry in God's presence as a community.  For 10 Days, beginning Thursday, May 9, the church will be open from 6:30-7:45PM for directed times of intercession, worship, teaching and meditation as we tarry (wait) on the Holy Spirit to work in our lives individually and corporately.

All church activities will be redirected to this event. Wednesday, May 15 we will have Church Family Night Dinner at 6PM. At 6:30PM we will have classes for MH Kids and Uprise while the adults gather in the auditorium for a time of prayer and worship. 

Please make it a priority every one of these 10 days to spend at least some time seeking the Word of God being revealed to us, the Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit. As we do, we are expecting a special move of God in our midst.

May 21

Wednesday Worship & Intercession

June 4

Spirit Led (BV)